Alumni Hall of Fame ROWAN COUNTY
The Rowan County Senior High School established the Alumni Hall of Fame to recognize and honor alumni who bring the highest distinction to themselves, their community, and serve as a role model for the students at RCSHS. Candidates must exemplify the qualities of irreproachable character and outstanding citizenship. Candidates’ achievements will be weighed by a selection committee, which will consider favorably those whose achievements bring the greatest honor to Rowan County Senior High School.
Nomination and Selection Process
● Nominations must be submitted prior to October 15th, 2024 to be considered for this year’s induction. Late applications will not be considered until the following cycle.
● Nominations which are not selected will be held over for consideration in the next cycle.
● Any faculty, alumni, or other interested person may submit a candidate for consideration.
● Once an application is submitted, it will not be returned.
● The selection committee will induct, at most, three candidates per year.
● All nominees must have attended or been employed at, RCSHS for a minimum of one year.
● Recipients (or family member, if deceased) must be available to receive their award at the designated ceremony, which will be held on Saturday, December 21, 2024 at RCSHS (weather permitting). The time of the reception will be announced at a later date and the reception will be held in the Viking Café at RCSHS.
Nomination Requirements
● A complete nomination form must be submitted (required).
● A brief biological overview of the nominee may be included (up to 2 pages).
● Support materials, including copies of newspaper articles, etc. may also be included (optional).
● If selected, a picture of the inductee will be required prior to the induction ceremony.
Submit Nominations via Drop-Off to High School, Mail, Email, or Fax
Rowan County Senior High School
Jordan Mann,
499 Viking Drive
Morehead, KY 40351
FAX (606) 784-1067
Call (606) 784-8956 or
Alumni Hall of Fame ROWAN COUNTY
I wish to nominate the following individual for the
Rowan County Senior High School Alumni Hall of Fame.
Nominee’s Name __________________________________________ Years at RCSHS ________
Nominee’s Mailing Address _________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________________________
Home Phone ________________ Work Phone ________________ Cell Phone ______________
Email _________________________________________________ Date of Application ________
Describe how the nominee’s professional, civic or charitable efforts have resulted in positive change in his/her career field or in society.
Describe how this nominee exemplifies irreproachable character and outstanding citizenship.
Describe any other activities or accomplishments that may demonstrate how this nominee brings distinction to himself/herself, community, or Rowan County Senior High.
Dates of attendance or employment at Rowan County Senior High __________________________
High School from which nominee graduated and year _____________________________________
College or Universities attended
______________________________________ Date __________ Degree __________________
______________________________________ Date __________ Degree __________________
______________________________________ Date __________ Degree __________________
______________________________________ Date __________ Degree __________________
Please fill in each section as thoroughly as possible:
Present occupation
Professional affiliations
Outstanding achievements in chosen field
Community involvement
Volunteer service awards or recognition received
Nominator’s Information
Name _______________________________________________
Relationship to nominee ________________________________
Mailing Address ______________________________________
City/State/Zip ________________________________________
Home Phone ________________ Work Phone _______________ Cell Phone _______________
Email Address ____________________________________________________________________
Please use additional pages as needed.